Home>Blog>implemented activities>Income Generating Activities (IGA’s).

IGA’s are engagements WCCC members undertake with the aim of attracting funds for the organization as well as for themselves as individuals to help support themselves as well as their families. These activities include:

  • Production of herbal soap and jelly,
  • Liquid soap and handicrafts production,
  • Briquettes production,
  • Daycare services
  • Catering Services and
  • Consultancies like facilitating in marrieds’ conferences.

For productions, WCCC invites experts that train the members on how to produce the several items like the herbal soap and jelly. The members then use the gained skill to produce the items even from home. Many community members especially the orphans and vulnerable children have been able to participate in the production of these items. This has given them the skills that have helped them produce these items even when home and also train their peers too.

Some WCCC members during briquettes production.

When these items are ready, they are sold to generate income for their home use. Also, they use these items in their homes, thereby saving money that may be used for other household necessities. Also, sale of these items helps generate income for WCCC to cater for several office/administrative expenses.

From the services offered, like the catering services, WCCC is also able to generate money that helps cater for other programs like the Education Support program for orphans.